About Cookies on Eye Networks Websites

Below you will find information about the use of cookies on eyenetworks.no, www.telecomshop.no and, eyesaas.com,all websites published by Eye Networks AS. (For www.dinwifi.no, see separate statement)

By collecting information and/or using services on our websites, you agree to cookies being set. If you do not wish to accept our use of cookies, you can withdraw your consent by changing your browser settings. The browser setting that accepts cookies is considered as user consent.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer when you open a website. Cookies are very common and can, for example, be used to store login details or record how a website is used. There are requirements for information and consent when a business wants to use cookies.

For What Purposes Is Eye Networks Using Cookies?

Eye Networks AS uses cookies for analysis and statistics purposes, and for session management in our webshops. A more detailed description of which cookies are used is included in the table below.

All websites

Who Processes The Data?

Eye Networks Hub / telecomshop.no

CookiePurpose Vendor
session_id Session management Eye Networks
frontend_langLanguage preference managementEye Networks

Who Processes The Data?

Telecomshop.no is operated with assistance from our Swedish partner Linserv. The information in the cookies is not transferred to any third party.

Third-Party Services On Other Domains

We use some third-party services that are not stored on our domains and where we do not have control over cookies set. However, we would like to note that the following services set their own cookies:

  • PrintFriendly (exporting to PDF and printing from eyenetworks.no and eyesaas.com) — sets its own Google Analytics cookies and session management cookies.
  • Demio (webinar and demo service) — both demio.com and my.demio.com set their own cookies

Information On How to Disable Cookies

You can choose to withdraw your consent to cookies and disable cookies if you do not with to accept them. You can manage cookies through the settings in your browser. For more information about managing cookies, see www.nettvett.no, where you can find a simple explanation of managing cookies in different browsers, such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.

If you have any questions about our use of cookies, please contact us at privacy@eyenetworks.no